The article by K. G. Jung “Family Constellation”, translated by Elena Kruglyakova, was published in the second volume of the collected works. This volume collects Jung's writings that reflect on experimental research based on the word association test. The volume covers the period of research from 1904 to 1911.
The article was written in 1909 and contains some of Jung's ideas about the influence of the family on the development of the individual. In it one can see the beginnings of the psychology of object relations, transgenerational transmission, constellations, and, I think, much more, which today are independent directions. Separately, I want to highlight the ideas about the influence of a couple on each other, that is, the idea that not only parents influence children, but also the development of a husband and wife within a married couple. Moreover, this article is a reflection on the results of associative experiments, that is, Jung reflects based on numbers and graphs, but in his reflections, in fact, describes the elements of the emotional field of the family, or, as we can say today, the elements of the family unconscious.
The word constellation - Latin e constellatio literally means " constellation " ( con- "together" + stella "star"), in analytical psychology they usually talk about the constellation of the complex.