Collection of reports of the First Russian Conference on Jungian Sand Therapy

Collection of reports of the First Russian Conference on Jungian Sand Therapy

Сборник докладов песочной конференции
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Collection of reports from the First Russian Conference on Jungian Sand Therapy, October 3-4, 2020.


From the editor

Victoria Andreeva, Carlo Ruffino
A few words about Sandplay therapy

Denise Ramos
When the heart is beating fast. Peter's case.

Galit Ben-Amitai, Rivka Lahav, Paz Toren
Sandplay technique in psychiatric examination of children
with reduced verbal abilities

Tatiana Rebeko
Secrets hidden in the sand.

Victoria Andreeva
IVF ethics in clinical practice.
Analysis of ethical problems in the field of assisted reproductive technologies.

Elena Bortuleva
Therapy with a child: destruction and manic protection from pain and loss in images

Tatyana Shatunova
Symbolization disorders in psychosomatic clients

Inna Kirilyuk
The feminine principle is the core of sand therapy.
Healing and deep regression in sand paintings.

Elizabeth Mavotsolo
Transgenerational trauma: dialogue between consciousness and the unconscious.
Analytical sandplay process of a teenage girl.

Tatiana Pervushina, Maria Prilutskaya
The image of a wolf and the transformation of aggression in Sandplay therapy

Tatiana Osintseva
Sand painting on a given theme.
Possibility of working with thematic instructions.

Stelna Semenova
Poison and Medicine: The Transformative Power of the Snake.
The symbolism of the snake in the work of a child and adolescent in a developmental crisis.

Vera Povetkina
“Silent grief” manifested in the sand.

Svetlana Salnik
Transference-countertransference as a bridge of emotional connection.

Liana Grigoryan
A story about rage, intolerance towards people and love for horses.
The work of a symbol as a way to save the soul.

Elena Zakharova
The invisible creator of reality.
Beaver symbolism.

From the editor

The past 2020 will be remembered in a special way by everyone, but you and I have a reason to remember it with the kindest words. Against the backdrop of global turmoil associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we managed to hold the first international conference on Sandplay Therapy. For security reasons, the conference was held online, but this did not interfere with the debut, and we hope that nothing will prevent it from becoming an annual event in our professional calendar. This collection should also be the first in a series of similar publications.

The development of any psychotherapeutic method is impossible without a mutually enriching exchange of knowledge and clinical experience between colleagues, and Sandplay therapy in Russia, after many years of actual application, has finally taken the next defining step along this path. The Scientific and Practical Conference is that dynamic organizational and methodological body that began to function, connecting all those who deal with “sand” and speak Russian.

The reports at the conference showed how important it is for us to maintain the connection between the practice of the method and its theoretical roots - analytical psychology and psychoanalysis in general - and what opportunities for therapy this support provides in understanding case material. It is worth noting the high level of all presentations, especially considering how high the bar was set by the presentations of leading teachers of the International Society of Sandplay Therapy (ISST). Familiarity with their ideas and approaches is one of the key components necessary for high-quality and systematic training in this method of depth psychology.

We are glad that our teachers, mentors and inspirers participated in the conference. Carlo Ruffino (Italy) - Doctor of Science, psychotherapist, training analyst at the Jung Institute in Zurich, member of the International Association of Analytical Psychology
(AAR), training specialist of the Italian Sandplay Society
therapy and the International Society of Sendilay Therapy (ISST), vice-president of the European branch of ISST. Galit Ben-Amitai (Israel) - child psychiatrist, teaching member of the International Society of Jungian Sandplay Therapy (ISST), secretary of the Israeli Sandplay Association (ISTA), Jungian analyst, member of the Israeli Institute of Jungian Psychology. Erich Neumann. Denise Jimenez Ramos (Brazil) - Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Professor at the University of Sao Paulo, Head of the Department of Advanced Training in Clinical Psychology, President of the Brazilian Society of Analytical Psychology, AAP curator of development groups in Latin America.

We are also grateful for the participation of all colleagues from Latvia, Hungary, Portugal, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia - everyone’s contribution was very valuable. Special thanks to Yuliana Puchkova for her work on the publication of this collection of articles.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the next conference, which is scheduled for December 2021.

Victoria Andreeva