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In the room:
6 From the editor
9 Silence of "God"
Article by Bernard Sartorius translated by Evgenia Frolova
25 Why return water to the Yellow River?
Report by Krista Robinson, translated by Boris Gavrilov, Gulnaz Gulmanova and Oscar Bakharkin
44 On the transcendental function in fairy tales: damage, absorption, hostility and trauma Article by Maria Semkova
67 The image of the troll in Scandinavian folklore and literature
Article by Natalia Budur
98 Everything that is mythological is everything emotional.
And vice versa. Almost anything that is emotional will be mythological. Interview Yulia Pustynnikova with Alexandra Barkova. Part I
116 The enchanting sounds of the songs of the severed head of Orpheus. Individuation and ethnic identity. The formation of analytical psychology in Russia
Article by Svetlana Savkina
148 Dante's Divine Comedy: Mandala of Awakening
Article by Claudio Maddaloni translated by Marina Lev
181 Artistic embodiment of the archetypal image of Anima in stories about sea maidens. Based on the film by K. Petsold “Ondine”
Article by Margarita Leonova
193 Things come to life Article by Natalia Kiryushina
207 Necessary conditions for the return of a warrior
Article by Edward Thicke translated by Natalia Pavlikova and Evgenia Ermakova
224 I don’t write poetry to write poetry Poems by Oksana Chikina
230 Transformational game “Sandplay through the Looking Glass” as an entry point into the rabbit hole Article by Elena Moskvina
239 Annotations
247 Abstracts
From the editor
Dear readers!
From this issue the numbering of the magazine changes, it will no longer be double, only a serial number, and that’s all. That is, now in front of you is SiM No. 8 2023 - the eighth issue of the magazine, which was published in 2023. We hope that SiM No. 9 will be released in the fall. The color of the numbers remains the same: odd numbers are light, even numbers
– dark. These are dan Yang (light) and Yin (dark). Previously, we had two issues a year: spring – a light issue, autumn – a dark one, this way the integrity of the year was achieved. But in 2022 we lost our way and made only one issue, which was published in January 2023, now the second issue 2023 is being published, and
in the fall, we hope that the third one will be released. Most likely, one issue will be published in 2024 and in 2025 we will be able to return to two issues per year, but these are plans, no one knows what will happen in reality.
In this issue we managed to maintain a balance - four sections with three articles each. Let's tell you a little about what we offer to your attention this time.
Traditionally, the “Psychology” section comes first, opening with Bernard Sartorius’s article “The Silence of God” translated by Evgenia Frolova. This is not a new text by Bernard, it was first presented in the form of a report several years ago, for a long time the translation was available on the website of the club “In the Labyrinth of Fairy Tales”, now we have taken it to our magazine. It seems to us that this is a very important, timely text that allows you to discover yourself in silence. The silence of God does not mean his absence, but do we know how to be in unanswered silence? Can we be silent?
in each other's presence? The conversation about discovering and remembering yourself and your roots is continued by Christa Robinson, her article “Why return water to the Yellow River?”, translated by Boris Gavrilov, Gulnaz Gulmanova and Oscar Bakharkin, also written based on the report. It was read on one
from conferences in China. Krista writes about connecting East and West, about working with one of the most ancient oracles of our time, the I Ching. And the third article in the section “On the transcendental function in fairy tales: damage, absorption, hostility and trauma” by Maria Semkova, about the complexity of combining opposites, about the tension of oppositions, about the fear of absorption.
The second section of our journal “Science”, it opens with Natalia Budur’s article “The Image of the Troll in Scandinavian Folklore and Literature” - about the evolution of the image of the troll from ancient texts to the modern Internet. Then we invite you to read the first part of the conversation between Alexandra Barkova and Yulia Pustynnikova about living the mythological, about the creation and discovery of the mythological today, about paganism, neo-paganism and modernity. This conversation took place in 2018, a lot has changed, but the topics that were touched upon have not lost their relevance now. The second part of the interview you
You can read it in the next issue of SiM. And the final text of the section is Svetlana Savkina’s article “The enchanting sounds of the songs of the severed head of Orpheus” about the comparison of the ideas of K. G. Jung and A. F. Losev; the article is philosophical in nature and continues reflections on the mythological.
The third section, as usual, is “Art” - with Margarita Leonova you will be able to sink to the bottom of the sea and see mermaids in the everyday world, analyzing the vicissitudes of the film “Ondine”. Natalya Kiryushina, as always, invites you to the territory of Japanese kaidans, this time you will encounter things that have come to life and, perhaps, feel notes of Japanese culture. The conversation will be continued by Claudio Maddaloni, in his article, translated by Marina Lev, “Dante’s Divine Comedy: Mandala of Awakening,” Dante’s text, alchemy and yoga are intricately intertwined. This work will smoothly take you into the fourth
section of the magazine "Doing".
Here you will meet Edward Thicke, who talks about caring for all people affected by military operations, how to carry out
them a retreat that can help you return. Tick’s article “Necessary conditions for the return of a warrior” was translated by Natalia Pavlikova and Evgenia Ermakova. Oksana Chikina, in her extraordinary text “I don’t write poetry to write poetry,” shares her experience of interaction, dance, and meetings with the Great Goddesses. And our issue ends with Elena Moskvina’s text “Transformation game “Sandplay through the Looking Glass” as a point
the entrance to the rabbit hole."
This is the path we offer you this time - from the silence of God to transformation through the failure into the rabbit hole.
With the hope that reading will be not only enjoyable, but also useful.
Best regards,
Olga Kondratova, Yulia Pustynnikova,
Alla Tretyakova, Evgenia Frolova,
Elena Senkina
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