The School of Amplification is an online conference-discussion built around one concept or image. When we chose the word “school,” we relied on the phenomenon of the ancient Greek school, Socratic debates, when mutual learning occurs through dialogue. Amplification means the expansion of an image through memories, feelings, reflections, cultural associations, dreams.
The collection “School of Amplification” includes all the reports given at the conference, a summary of discussions in small and large groups.
This collection contains materials from the second School of Amplification
"The Secret", held on March 19-20, 2022. Its content is both reports and a generalized collective amplification by the conference participants of the images of secrets proposed by the speakers: children's and parental secrets, intentional silences and keeping secrets, mysteries of transitions and transformations not expressed in words, mythologization of missing information and collective secrets, the secrets of desires and destructiveness were explored. The authors of the reports turned to Dante's "Divine Comedy", the fairy tales "The Spirit in the Bottle" by the Brothers Grimm, "Dwarf Nose" by Hauff, and the Japanese fairy tale "Journey to the Land of Darkness".
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