Seminar Animus

Seminar “Animus. My gaze is on You.”

- I love you!
- What, just like adults?
- No, for real!

From Facebook

“Men look for women in women,
women look for men in men.
Where are the people?”

Carl Gustav Jung

This is a seminar for practicing psychologists.

The goal is to study the images of the Animus in dreams and fairy tales.

Let's try to find answers to the questions:

The meaning of the crisis of the middle of a woman's life - finding an Animus-partner? How can the partner side of the Animus archetype manifest itself?
Animus Rod - is it possible to get out of his power?
How is the daughter's teenage crisis related to the mother's midlife crisis?
The animus of the mother and the image of the father - similarities and differences.

We will think, talk, watch the cartoon “Brave,” work with dreams and the fairy tale “The Lost Boy.”

In preparing for this workshop, I drew on the ideas of Erich Neumann, Marion Woodman, Emma Jung, Carl Jung, Shinoda Bohlen and others.

Group maximum 10 people. The cost of the seminar is 7,000 rubles.

The seminar will be held on October 21-22, 2017 from 10:00 to 18:00.
Registration for the seminar

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